2023 MFA Graduate Research Projects

2023 MFA Graduate Research Projects

This collection holds a series of bespoke illustrated fairytales where each follow a narrative leitmotif similar to Aesop fables with a moral conclusion. However, these stories would also be linked by an overarching tale, similar to the narrative strategy behind the Divine Comedy. This story follows a fawn as she travels through the Pennsylvanian forest and meets a variety of woodland creatures in search of her lost herd.

This concept would include an intrinsic puzzle element associated with the themes of the specific fable, leading to an ending that requires all puzzles solved. This final sequential puzzle would reward the reader by revealing the true ending of the story via a mini book nestled within a locked box.

Florescere, means to bloom and grow. As you progress through the book you are presented with Katt’s interpretation of learning about empathetic joy and growing in strength by it. Her presentation invitation is a flexagon which reveals a total of four printed faces when unfolded.

18A Bourbon is a prohibition themed bourbon branding focusing on stories, fictional but with twists of truth, of how alcohol was illegally distributed during prohibition. With each bottle purchased, a secret code is revealed under the wax seal that can then be submitted online to redeem access to exclusive speakeasy events.

PaperLab helps k-12 teachers improve the way that they create their tests, worksheets and other classroom materials with PaperLab; an intuitive web-based software that focuses on creating well designed class documents in a collaborative setting. Not only does PaperLab give teachers an edge in producing a well-designed worksheet or test, but it also features sharing and collaboration, so you can streamline document creation in teams as well as having a consistently growing library of documents for yourself and fellow instructors to use.

All humans are capable of amazing things. We celebrate the successes of people every day on social media, in class, at work and with our friends and family. However, when it comes to our failures we are not willing to share them. But what if we did? Would our whole perception of failiing change if we unveiled it’s power and allowed for us to learn from one another? Would we become empowered through story to no longer be ashamed, regretful or afraid? The failures witnessed in this gallery are real and raw submissions given to me anonymously. These stories were curated to be read, heard and reflected upon. As people experienced this exhibition, they were asked to begin to think about their own story of failure. Then at the end they were asked to contribute to the timeline as well.

Mystere is an interactive puzzle room experience combining traditional game design elements with more modern components like touch and projection to create an interactive experience. Players work through a series of puzzles to solve the mystery at the game’s core while learning expansive world lore and story along the way.

Building on the idea that design is a fundamental form of human communication, OKER is a mobile app prototype created to teach graphic design as a visual language. Inspired by successful language education programs like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone, OKER is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of graphic design in a fun, engaging, and effective way.

The app utilizes tried-and-true language learning techniques, such as heavy repetition and quiz-style exercises, to help students develop a strong foundation in graphic design. By working through OKER’s mobile course material, students will gain a well-rounded grasp of essential graphic design topics, including color theory, typography, layout, concept development, ethics, and more.