Featured Alum! Andrew Cygan

2018 Alum

Where are you currently working? (location & company)
EY Design Studio PHL, Philadelphia, PA
What are you currently working on?
Building dashboards and data visualizations for an international healthcare company.
What’s your favorite recent project?
Designing a treatment and tracking app for patients suffering from a rare skin disorder.
How has your job changed with COVID?
I’ve been remote since March 2020. My role and responsibility hasn’t changed, we’ve just had to adjust how we tackle certain design activities, like brainstorming and whiteboarding sessions. Luckily, there are a lot of online resources that allow us to continue those activities. But personally, I miss the camaraderie of a hands-on, in-person whiteboard session.
What was your favorite KUCD project? What class did you make it in?
My favorite KUCD project was a non-profit ad campaign to help teach children (and adults) the concept and importance of ‘consent.’ Working with my partner, we created 30-second animated commercials showing examples of how language and actions can impact a child’s view of consent.
How did your decision to attend KUCD affect the trajectory of your career?
Attending KUCD allowed me to take my career in a new direction. Without my education at KUCD (and the reasonable price tag), I would have been much less likely to return to school and would likely still be working in a job and career I disliked.
What advice would you give your high school self about choosing a college?
When choosing a college, make sure to visit and get to know staff and faculty in the department where you plan to study. If you have a good experience with them, that’s a really great sign. Also, always consider the cost. College is a huge investment and state schools often offer both a high quality education and a lower price, allowing you to pay off loans earlier.
What is the best part of KUCD?
The faculty! The professors truly care and are invested not only in your success as a student but in your success as a graduate and young professional.
Any advice for current KUCD students?
Don’t hesitate to reach out to KUCD alum via social media (LinkedIn) for advice or other opportunities. Most all would be happy to help! We were all once in your shoes!
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