MFA Graduate Research Project | Alexis Grant PLAYUM: a playful candy packaging series

MFA Graduate Research Project  |  Alexis Grant
PLAYUM: a playful candy packaging series

Alexis entered KUCD’s MFA program to become a stronger designer, building upon her foundation in industrial design. She is drawn to 3D design, and is now adding graphic design to her skill set. Alexis is inspired by play and packaging design.

Paper is more than just a flat material: it’s a blank slate for play. It’s one of the most friendly and familiar materials, which makes it easy to manipulate and interact with. PLAYUM is inspired paper, play and sweets. Toys don’t need to be elaborate to be fun. It only takes a minimal amount of materials to create a fun experience.

PLAYUM’s mission is to encourage play by adding an unexpected purpose to snack packaging. Toys are designed for kids (and adults who are kids at heart and stomach). PLAYUM’s first product line is inspired by outer space, containing seven candy-filled toys.

More Work by Alexis

The Bread Box:

The Bread Box is a mobile (repurposed shipping container) kitchen that pops-up in towns across America to partner with local businesses and farmers to feed the community and help reduce food waste, specifically grain waste.

Maker Swap:

Maker Swap is a platform for makers to exchange their creations with other makers around the country. We give you the platform to share your talents and receive something special in return.


For those who need a little help distinguishing colors and matching clothes, ColorCue is a color-pattern system designed to make the daily task of coordinating colors and clothes problem-free.